Kyron and Amy

Dec 9, 20203 min

Defeating Infidelity

Being in a relationship in this generation can be something that’s difficult. There’s a lot of peer pressure, couples don’t communicate and society is slowly normalizing cheating.

You tend to see it happen a lot between couples nowadays. So, the question is... can couples defeat cheating ? Short answer, yes. Defeating infidelity in a relationship is something that is more than possible to do if each person has the desire to do so.

Like we previously said... society normalizes it, people are pressured into it at times. But, cheating (in our opinion), is definitely a choice. With that being said, there is an amount of emotional and mental work that has to be done to defeat infidelity when in a relationship.

For us, there are three important things to consider when it comes to cheating, or being in a place that could lead to infidelity.

Those three things are ;

Recognizing, understanding, and resolving.

First, it is important to always put yourself in your partners shoes. That’s something that Kyron has always said. If you find yourself in a position that you know can lead to cheating... recognize it. Always act as if your partner was there and show respect to your relationship.

Second, understand that you’re in a relationship. And, if you’re truly in love with someone cheating isn’t something that will even come to mind in the first place. If you are NOT in love... cheating is something that you still should not do. Understand and think before doing something you will later regret.

Lastly, resolving. If you’re in a relationship, and you come in contact with a situation that you know you shouldn’t be in.. get yourself out of it. Your relationship to you should be the most important thing, it should motivate you to do anything to keep that relationship healthy. Therefore, always resolve that problem before it becomes worse. And if possible, never disrespect or put yourself in a position where you would be disrespecting your relationship and especially your partner.

Having and building healthy and happy relationship in this generation can be hard, yes. But, it is definitely not impossible to do.

Kyron and I have always believed that if and when you truly are in love with someone, not just have love for that person... but, when you’re IN LOVE with someone... cheating isn’t something that will be a problem. Loyalty always comes before love. Without it, there isn’t love. Never give your partner a reason to doubt your love or loyalty. Always be open and honest, whether it is something good or bad.


Things you can do to help maintain loyalty in a relationship

Having a healthy relationship isn’t hard. Maintaining loyalty isn’t hard (of course, only if it’s something you want to do). There are things to do that will help you.


  1. Honesty. Honesty to us is really important and it goes a long way. If you are always honest with one another it will not leave any space to doubt your partner.

  2. Never hide things. Hiding things from your partner whether it’s hanging out with people, messages, or anything that you know would hurt your partner is something that you should NEVER do. This goes back to being honest.

  3. When you’re in a relationship you should not be talking to or hanging out with someone who you used to date, or talked to. If someone likes you and you know it, there shouldn’t be any contact between you and that person.

  4. Talking to or hanging out with someone who your partner worries about. Even though you don’t like that person, and you wouldn’t cheat on your partner... you should respect your partners feelings and not have contact with something they’re worried about... because most times they have a reason to be worried and they see things you may not see. Always listen and try to understand to one another.

  5. Last but not least, never put your partner in a position to be jealous or not feel loved. Don’t do things that could lead to that jealousy and keep the other person in mind. The relationship you have with your partner should be making other people jealous. Your partner should never be the one jealous of other people.

Building a great relationship should never be hard. One of the most important things you can do... in fact, the thing you should do before even getting into a relationship is learning to love and respect yourself first. Doing that, will make loving and respecting other people easy.



If you’ve made it to the end, we are excited to announce that will will be doing a giveaway soon. So stay tuned and follow our Instagram page to stay updated!
